Sunday, March 8, 2020

nuclear energy essays

nuclear energy essays Nuclear Energy should be produced because it is an alternative to fossil fuel. Nuclear energy helps to conserve our national resources that we use as fuel such as coil, oil, and natural gas. Another pro of nuclear energy is that radiation that is given off by nuclear energy is mostly thought of a very dangerous thing but it can be used in positive ways too. For example, if you break a bone a doctor can inject a radioactive phosphorous compound, which is a compound that concentrates on active growth surfaces of bone. Then the doctor can see which part of the bone has been broken or set in an improper position because of the phosphorous compound concentrating on that region. We should not allow nuclear energy production, because nuclear energy is how atomic bombs were created. Atomic Bombs is a bomb that derives its great explosive force from the sudden release of Nuclear Energy through the fission, or splitting, of a heavy atomic nuclei. In Wold War II the US dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing thousands and thousands of innocent civilians. If it were not for nuclear energy this weapon of mass destruction would not be able to be made. Another reason nuclear energy production should not be allowed is because of the potential for dangerous radiation to get out of the nuclear power plant and cause many deaths and long term harmful effects to the people subjected to such radiation ...

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